Friday, 1 June 2012

British Criminal Justice - Indefensible

Sorry, I know this subject is probably getting tedious but now, even criminal defence lawyers are acknowledging our criminal justice system is a joke, with no consequences for poor behaviour.


  1. True enough....and just when you thought Judge Klutz had delivered his most hare-brained, out slithers his precedent of internet culpability. You know, when someone is sufficiently mature to rape but too young to accept personal responsibility.

  2. melv, I got the impression that the judge thought this was part of normal island life in Scotland.
    Still, she did tell him he must behave in future. If he doesn't I guess he will be for it. Not!

  3. Melv, any stupider than North Wales Plodscum and South Yorkshire Police (the folks who brought you Hillsborough & Orgreave) arresting 17 over the Ched Evans affair? Or a guy nicking sweets getting 10 months during the "riots" whilst badger baiters are let off (back handers to plod). "Law" in Britain always ensured damage to property ranked higher than damage to folks. Hope Lex is not Leicestershire or shall we remind him of l'affair Pilkington? Oh yes plod gave the feral Simmons scum protection weeks after that. Wear the uniform pay the price. Lower than whale shit.

  4. I didn't know that Simmons was placed under "protection". Interesting.

  5. Yes the Simmons scum were given police protection by Leicestershire c*nstabulary. Great use of public funds eh?

  6. Motorbike Accident Claim06 June, 2012 03:57

    Oh my god...........was Simon under protection, its unbelievable.

  7. Where is the evidence? CR is good at making unsubstantiated and fanciful claims.

  8. So far as I can tell, the Simmons family complained ONCE of press harassment after the events concerning Alex, and ironically the police arrived in timely fashion. Here, have a read.

    It certainly is sad that nobody responded to Fiona Pilkington for a decade but responded instead to her supposed tormentor.

    This, however, does not warrant saying that Simmons was necessarily placed under "protection".

  9. Mmmm. He called the police and, allegedly, 14 minutes later two Community Support Officers arrived. Hardly a whistle and bells response. Google shows nothing about CR's fanciful police protection.

  10. It was on the news fuck wit.

  11. Mr. Ferenda, I see what you mean by the "unsubstantiated claims".

  12. Learned Council07 June, 2012 10:09

    'It was on the news!'
    You couldn't make it up! What a complete tool!

  13. "it was in the Daily Mail as well".
