I wrote last month about that charlatan Ali Dizaei and hoped to God he would at last be seen for what he is. The trouble with jury's is, you never know which way they may go, especially when the likes of Michael Mansfield are throwing up smokescreens of epic proportions. I hope he was working on a no win, no fee basis.
I hope his conviction marks a turning point where there will be less use of the race card and spineless managers will grow a backbone and stand up to egotistical, bullying, incompetent thugs like Dizaei.
I am disappointed to hear that some of the Black Police Association are still maintaining that Dizaei was a victim of a race hate campaign. I am pleased to hear that others have acknowledged that he is a crook and disgrace to the BPA.
This is a good day for British justice. Make the most of it, it does not happen very often!
Wow, score one for the good guys!
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if we could now move on to a post-PC environment where scum like this person can no longer hid behind the fig leaf of "racism". This nasty, vindictive accusation needs to be seen for what it is: pure and simply a device to stifle all criticism and debate and to allow falsehoods, incompetence, corruption and evil to prevail.
ReplyDeleteShould the selection panel, politicians from the MPA, who selected this deeply flawed man to Commander/Assistant Chief Constable rank now stand down.
ReplyDeletebeen watching dizzy for a few years and was sure he was a fake, a charlatan, and a crook posing as a copper.
ReplyDeleteThe mickey-mouse Black police officers association should hang their heads in shame. They automatically backed him "just 'cos I is black"!, didn't really bother to find out the truth, or want to know the truth!!
Guess what i'm mixed race so got no axe to grind with 'either side'!!
The man is scum and got his just deserts!!
i agree. its a great day that shows we may not completely be a country afraid of its own culture and history and that justice can still be served even after the beligerant and continual playing of the race card. This guy is a crook and a disgrace to the service country wide and it is about tme we showed the guts to deal with criminals instead of allowing them to hide behind the smokescreen of alledged racism
ReplyDeleteits about time this criminal was found out and treated in the way he should always have been. over promoted for years to tick the 'were not racist' boxes, its a shame that in a force of many dedicated, professional officers, many of which are from minorities, they promote a small minded villain. 'the world owes me a living cos i am asian' is the obvious track this idiot took from the start and now the black police officers assoc look poor in their judgement in supporting this idiot so beligerantly and in a blinkered and ignoarant manner. many officers genuinly become victims of racism and do not cry wolf as opposed to this guy (and his pal, Ghafour, another idiot with rank). they need the help of the fed and BPA, not criminals like this. justice has been done, lets see more people hiding behind the race card exposed where appropriate, as they do no favours to their genuine and dedicated colleagues in the real world
ReplyDeleteI acknowledge the fact that the met have been labelled as racist in the past, but is it just me that thinks that the very existence of a "Black Police Association" is going in the wrong direction?
ReplyDeleteWhat questions would be raised if a "White Police Association" were formed? I'm sure it would not be allowed to exist - and it it were, it would be as wrong as the BPA is.
Racism in all it's forms is wrong, and the BPA has, by definition, racially-motivated aims.
Whie I agree having the Black Police Associaion is not the right solution to race issue in the police force, there would not be one if they were treted equally in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI was this with crook whilst he was at Hounslow. He walked about like a king, promoting his book to all.
ReplyDeleteHe has his own little 'hangers on' which you would find hanging out the back of him on the 3rd floor.
Sadly he could come out of this clean, depending on how the inevitable re-trail goes.
It's a joke that the BPA still claim it’s a witch hunt that has never happened to any other senior officer.....there is a reason for that. Secondly the BPA claim that the outcome of the case highlights the fact that the BPA is still required as the MPS is racist and disproportionally discipline its members, or could it be that some minority officers think they'll be protected behind their ethnicity and are free to do as they please shouting 'racist' from the 3rd floor when taken to task by their supervisor.
Despite the result....TJF and always will be
Why should there be a re-trial? Hopefully, if there is, he will get an even longer sentence.
ReplyDeleteAs one who watched helplessly as a similar character got away with all manner of disgraceful, dishonest behaviour protected, at his own smug admission and I quote him: `by the spade up my sleeve, get it?` I feel no satisfaction at this shameful escapade's conclusion. Relief maybe? No, not even that. For me this marks another nadir of police management. Is the only way up, or will it just continue to bump along in the rut its created?
ReplyDeleteYesterday I retired from the Police service after 30 years of unblemished service and was feeling a little bit down!I was however cheered up by the news of Dizai's conviction and prison sentence. I spent my formative years in the Met and it amazed me that such a person could hide behind his religion and ethnicity and be able to bamboozle the establishment for so long with his corrupt actions which were better suited to a third world police force.
ReplyDeleteThis whole episode is the MacPherson Report bearing fruit.
ReplyDeleteBefore everyone gets too excited there is always the possibility that in 18 months time he could be walking out from the Court of Appeal a free man claiming he was set up by Paul Stephenson and his cabal of racist senior officers at the top of Scotland Yard. Imagine the look on Stephenson’s face as he hands him a cheque for 500k for hurt feelings and promotes him to DAC. The only way to make sure Dizaei could never return to the Met would be to stake him through the heart, put him in a sealed lead line casket and cover with garlic.
ReplyDelete"What questions would be raised if a "White Police Association" were formed? I'm sure it would not be allowed to exist - and it it were, it would be as wrong as the BPA is".
ReplyDeleteThe very existence of the totally unnecessary and divisive BPA can be laid firmly at the door of the spineless Condon ..
When it was first formed, non-black officers in the Met asked if they could have a similar organisation to look after their "interests" too .. Condon refused point blank ..
Since then it has been systematically misused by certain members of the Force (I refuse to call it a "Service") and has been ruthlessly manipulated by those with ulterior motives ..
Its high time it was abandoned and the Job should return to the Police Federation looking after the "interests" of all Police Officers .. black, white, asian, male, female etc ...
The people who selected him for,supported or approved the promotion of this slimeball should all be made to answer for the monster they helped create.
ReplyDeleteAs should all those who kept quiet about what they knew he was up to,in order to safeguard their own precious careers.
One doesn't achieve the rank of Commander and then suddenly go bent,the rot has been there for years,slowly growing each time he got away with something else.
Will it happen ? Of course not because Senior "management" know how to look after their own,they always have done and always will do.
They're as corrupt as him.
Ted Bundy has it right. Clan Dizaei and the BPA have nothing to lose by appealing this one over and over until they get Dizaei peerages for him, his wife-of-the-month, and their little dog too.
ReplyDeleteWCZ 1401 Grey Ford, unmarked PSNI vehicle. South Belfast. Not any more.
ReplyDeleteSo, the Appeal was successful and now heads might start to roll. What have you got to say about that?????
ReplyDeleteHe has got a retrial. He hasn't been found not guilty yet.
ReplyDeleteWell done
ReplyDeleteHe got what he diserved